On my journey into fine art, I have become primarily a plein air painter. Painting on location outdoors is daunting because of so many factors; glare, changing light and shadows, scudding clouds, heat and cold, wind and bugs! But it is also exhilarating because it forces me to work fast and loose, helping me to move away from my hard-edged graphic art background. 

The wonderful light, big skies and historic architecture of both my venues,  the Low Country and Long Island inspire me to capture all that I can before it disappears.

May Bloom on Long Beach

May Bloom on Long Beach

Upcoming Exhibitions

"The Annual 725 Show"
at The Sag Harbor Whaling Museum

Sept. 13th through Oct. 27th.

Reception: Friday, Sept. 13th
6 to 8pm.


South Carolina
Long Island
City Perspectives
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